Welcome to Build-A-Bunker! Here you can create and customize your very own Bunker for the world of Bunkin
The world of Bunkin was created by Indy for his Vtuber, TeddyChan
and as Indy puts it: It's a world for my vtuber to come from, to create
friends for her, deepen her story and make a guide for others to make
characters to join the world!
Become friends with TeddyChan on
WorldAnvil by creating an account and becoming a Master.
How to use Build-A-Bunker (best in desktop):
Most species still under development! **Cubs are the only completed species at the moment**
The thought was to make Indy's species sheets interactive while maintaining the original image as much as possible. It's pretty self-explanatory but below are some tips:
Select a species by clicking on the respective tab above.
Click on the hearts to change the color of the skin, ears & tails. Click on the tags to change the tag. Click on stuffed forms to change the stuffed form, etc.
To check whether an area is interactive hover (or click if on mobile) over the title (e.g., skin tones, stuffed forms, tags) and a box will appear if it's an interactive section.
Select different color combinations to see how your Bunker looks. You can use the sub races as a guide for what variants/color combos to use.
Background is the world map of Bunkin created by Indy.
Bunkoin Accepted Here